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Tooth Extractions

Gentle Tooth Removal in Port Moresby

Tooth ExtractionsAt Mills Dental Care, it is always our priority to preserve and repair a patient’s natural tooth before resorting to extraction. However, in some cases, removal of the tooth is vital for the patient’s own oral health and hygiene.

Common reasons for tooth extraction include:

  • Severe, irreversible damage
  • The prevention of the spread of infection
  • Emergencies or trauma
  • Problematic wisdom teeth
  • Full mouth rehabilitation
  • Severe toothache
  • To create extra room in the mouth prior to orthodontic treatment
  • The removal of baby teeth affecting the eruption of permanent ones

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

In some cases, a patient’s 3rd set of molars (commonly referred to as “wisdom teeth”), do not have the required space to correctly erupt into the mouth. This can produce a number of issues for the patient, including the wisdom teeth becoming impacted, pushing against other teeth, or becoming infected.

Our dental team are always monitoring for signs of wisdom tooth concerns during your regular check-ups. This allows us to step-in and remove the problematic wisdom tooth before more severe issues (such as pain and infection) occur.

Consultations for 3rd Molar Extraction

Wisdom tooth removal is determined by a thorough and precise examination using a panoramic OPG X-ray of the teeth, jaws and surrounding oral structure. This advanced technology allows our dental team to determine where your wisdom teeth are in relation to your nerves and surrounding teeth. Analysing this helps our dentists to accurately plan your surgery.

Putting Our Patient’s Comfort First

We understand that some patients may become anxious regarding dental extraction, however we can assure you that at Mills Dental Care, our patient’s comfort and wellbeing comes first.

This is why we offer a variety of pain relief, sedation, and analgesia, as these help patients to undergo treatment in a comfortable and pain-free manner. It is vital that we first assess your oral health needs and previous medical history to determine which pain relief method is right for you.

Are you experiencing any of the concerns listed above or wish to further discuss wisdom tooth extraction with our professional team? Schedule a consultation with our friendly team today to find out how we can help you!

Tooth Extractions Port Moresby | Mills Dental Care | 675 3200600

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